Arduino NANO V3.0
4 x Servos Tower Pro SG90
4 x Linear 10k Poteniometers
Battery 4 x 1.2Volt AA NiMh
Code to run on Arduino NANO
copy - paste into Arduino Sketch
#include <Servo.h>
const int PinButton1 = 2; // pin 2
const int PinButton2 = 3; // pin 3
int mode = 1; // case 1 program robot arm. case 2 replay positions
int bounce = 0;
volatile int buttonPress = 0;
unsigned long lastButtonPressTime = 0;
volatile unsigned long bounceTime = 0;
Servo Arm0Servo; //servo objects
Servo Arm1Servo; // Ihave renumbered servos 26 1 2017
Servo Arm2Servo;
Servo Arm3Servo;
int PosArm[4] ; // array
int ArmPos[100][4]; // array to hold arm positions up to 100
int PosCount = 0; // to count number of positions increased when button pressed
int PosCountMax = 0; // number of positions recorded when double button push initiates replay mode
int PosReached = 0; // used to check that arm has moved from one recorded position to next position
void setup() {
for(int i = 0; i <100 ; i++ ){
for(int p = 0; p <4 ; p++ ){
ArmPos[i][p] = -1;
pinMode(PinButton1 , OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(PinButton1 ,LOW);
pinMode(PinButton2, INPUT_PULLUP);
// I have made a small change here due to problem using some Arduinos
//attachInterrupt( digitalPinToInterrupt(PinButton2),ButtonPress , LOW );
// digitalPinToInterrupt(PinButton2) may not be defined!
attachInterrupt( 1,ButtonPress , LOW ); // interupt to capture button presses
// attach servos to relervent pins on arduino nano
Arm0Servo.attach(12); // grip 90 to 180 open limits of servo movement
Arm1Servo.attach(11); // elbow to 130 up
Arm2Servo.attach(10); // shoulder 10 to 50 down
Arm3Servo.attach(9); // turn 0 to 180 right
void loop() {
case 1 : // program robot arm. 1 press to remember position. 2 presses to progress next case 2 replay mode
// analogRead(pin) that reads poteniometers on training arm
PosArm[0] = map(analogRead(14),480,1024,180,90); // map (480,1024 value from potentiometer to 180,90 value sent to servo)
PosArm[1] = map(analogRead(15),180,1000,130,10);
PosArm[2] = map(analogRead(16),950,400,80,10);
PosArm[3] = map(analogRead(17),0,1024,180,10);
MoveArm(); // call method
if(buttonPress == 1){ // flag set by interupt when button is pressed
buttonPress = 0; // reset flag
if( millis() > (lastButtonPressTime + 1000)){ // only one button press in one secound
// record position of arm PosArm to array[100][] of armpositions
ArmPos[PosCount][0] = PosArm[0];
ArmPos[PosCount][1] = PosArm[1];
ArmPos[PosCount][2] = PosArm[2];
ArmPos[PosCount][3] = PosArm[3];
if( PosCount < 100) { // stop recording if over 100 positions recorded (memory limitations)
}else{ // more than one button press
mode = 2; // go to next phase
PosCountMax = PosCount; // set number of arm positions recorded
PosCount = 0; // reset count ready to read arm position array from begining
lastButtonPressTime = millis();
case 2 : // read arm position array
PosReached = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <4 ; i++ ){ //adjust servo positions
// we move the servos in small steps and the delay(20) makes arm motion smooth and slow
if( PosArm[i] > ArmPos[PosCount][i]) PosArm[i] = PosArm[i] - 1; // if actual position is greater than requird position reduce position by 1
if( PosArm[i] < ArmPos[PosCount][i]) PosArm[i] = PosArm[i] + 1; // if actual position is less than required position value increase position valuue by 1
if( PosArm[i] == ArmPos[PosCount][i]) PosReached++; // check if servo has reached required position/angle
if(PosReached == 4) PosCount++; // if all 4 servos have reached position then increase array index (PosCount)to next position in array
if(PosCount == PosCountMax) PosCount = 0; // if end of array reached reset index to 0 and repeat.
MoveArm(); // physically move arm to updated position, this is broken into small steps
delay(20); // pause between moves so over all motion is slowed down
default :
void MoveArm() { // write arm position data to servos
for (int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
if (PosArm[i] < 5) PosArm[i] = 5; // limit servo movement to prevent hitting end stops
if (PosArm[i] > 175) PosArm[i] = 175; // servo.write limited 5 - 175
void ButtonPress(){ // interupt to capture button press
if(micros() > (bounceTime + 3000)){ // debounce timer
bounceTime = micros(); // ingnore interupts due to button bounce
buttonPress = 1; // flag for button pressed
hello what kind of pot you used for the robotic arm,,
ReplyDeletesir can i have a schematic for this for me to understand it easily..??
ReplyDeleteand sir what did you use to teach and play mode it..?? thankyou
thank you
ReplyDeletegreat work
ReplyDeleteGood night, esquemático eletric projecto ?
ReplyDeleteHi,very very good project,but is possible if you save the position of all step in one sd ??
ReplyDeletein this system,is possible have one program on the sd cards,and change the sd,change the program....
how is possible that if you ??
thanks and best regards
great information thank you for sharing. this is going to help me learn alot. nice web page as well!
ReplyDeleteHi Peter,
ReplyDeleteThe circuit diagram implies the pots are connected to A0-A3, however the code at line 43-46 implies analogread(14)-(17). I am an awful coder, my 10 year old grandson is better than me, so where are the potpins declared, please, please?
A0 hexadecimal is equal to decimal 14
DeleteCan you attach Lazer or claw on arm
ReplyDeletegreat idea. i love it.
ReplyDeleteDear Peter, great job! I very like it!
ReplyDeleteI making a servo arm with 6 micro servo (5 axes and a gripper) like yours. Do you know if i Can modify your program just adding 2 servo motors and 2 potentiometer? The Arduino memory is sufficient? Thanks in advance. Damiano
Hi Peter,
ReplyDeleteNice job. Your instructions are great, with the photos, code and the wiring schematic. One question, how long are each of the arms. They also appear to be about 2cm in diameter, correct?